BURLINGTON — The odds were stacked heavily against Josh Sellars. With a journey as bumpy as his, how could he even have been expected to attend college, much less graduate?

But this isn’t just the story of a young man who earned an odds-defying college degree earlier this month — it’s also the story of a small village of individuals who helped him get there.


Josh Sellars poses with some members of the "village" that helped him achieve his goal of earning a college degree. Standing (from left to right) are: Dale and Shannon Hughes; Terry and Deborah Paschal, Tonia Melton's parents; Sellars; and Tonia and Tommy Melton. Kneeling are Savannah Wilson (left), Tonia Melton's daughter; and Cherokee Rose, Shannon Hughes' daughter. They all attended Sellars' graduation and helped him celebrate afterward.

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Keith Wells and Nancy Fleming Wells pose with Josh Sellars at his college graduation earlier this month. Nancy Wells, in particular, helped Sellars get enrolled at UNCG.