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Healthcare worker Donna Turner sits in her car after completing a stop on her care rounds early in the morning on March 23, 2022, in Graham, NC. (photo by Luke Johnson)

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Healthcare worker Donna Turner goes to Patricia Stanfield's house during her rounds and braids hair after providing on the morning of March 23, 2022, in Graham, NC. (photo by Luke Johnson)

Home care aide Donna Turner stood in Patricia Stanfield's kitchen in March and rubbed moisturizer into her scalp. Taking Stanfield’s thick, gray hair in her gloved fingers, Turner began to braid.

Stanfield, 72, has needed help since she sustained a brain injury in a car crash more than 50 years ago, and more so with age. She lives with her cousin Sharon Thompson, 68, and can't be left alone for long. Turner comes four days a week from Cone Health’s HomeCare Providers in Burlington. 

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Health care worker Donna Turner sits in front of a patient's house while on her rounds early in the morning on March 23, 2022, in Graham, NC. (photo by Luke Johnson)

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Health care worker Donna Turner goes to Patricia Stanfield's house and works on a word search puzzle with her on the morning of March 23, 2022, in Graham, NC. (photo by Luke Johnson)

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Healthcare worker Donna Turner goes to Patricia Stanfield's house during her rounds and braids hair in the kitchen after providing care on the morning of March 23, 2022, in Graham, NC. (photo by Luke Johnson)

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Health care worker Donna Turner goes to Patricia Stanfield's house during her rounds and helps her into the bathroom on the morning of March 23, 2022, in Graham, NC. (photo by Luke Johnson)

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Health care worker Donna Turner cleans up the bathroom after helping a patient change during a stop on her care rounds on the morning on March 23, 2022, in Graham, NC. (photo by Luke Johnson)

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Healthcare worker Donna Turner goes to Patricia Stanfield's house during her rounds and braids hair while providing care on the morning of March 23, 2022, in Graham, NC. (photo by Luke Johnson)

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Healthcare worker Donna Turner washes her hands after helping a patient change during a stop on her care rounds on the morning on March 23, 2022, in Graham, NC. (photo by Luke Johnson)