School Choice is the "New Normal"

(NewsUSA) - What do parents really think about school choice in 2024? A new survey by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation sheds light on what they're thinking, and looking for, as National School Choice Week spurs families to start the process of choosing new schools for the fall. Two truths, and one oft-repeated myth, offer insights into how they'll shape the landscape of education with the choices they make.

Here's truth number one. Parents are more interested in changing their children's schools than they were during the pandemic. 72% considered new schools for their children last year compared to 52% in 2022. If you're not the parent of a school age child, you'd be forgiven for assuming parents crave stability after the upheaval of the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years, but the data says something different. The high water mark of interest in choosing a new school during the pandemic came in the fall of 2020, when 63% of parents were considering it. Yet this month, January 2024, 72% said they have considered choosing a new school for their child in the last year.