Lawn and beyond: The powerful benefits of natural turfgrass

(BPT) - Healthy, natural turfgrass is more than just a pleasing addition to your yard and home’s curb appeal. Natural turfgrass is among the most resilient plant materials and provides many benefits that can improve your quality of life and the environment. There are countless turfgrass species and cultivars that are adapted to different climates and uses, and researchers from universities and companies like ScottsMiracle-Gro are driving innovation in this area as the environment and consumer needs continue to shift.

“Natural turfgrass is often misunderstood,” says Dr. Kelly Kopp, Extension Water Conservation and Turfgrass Specialist at Utah State University. “Misconceptions and misinformation have given it a bad reputation in some circles. But the truth is that natural turfgrass has the potential to foster a healthier environment and provides a multitude of benefits to the individual, local communities, and the planet.”