4 Ways Your Screen Time Could Be Costing You

(BPT) - Screens are a necessary part of life today, particularly for those who rely on their computers or other digital devices for work. But did you know that spending long hours on screens can have negative physical, mental and financial impacts? A new report by the American Optometric Association (AOA) revealed that more than 104 million Americans are exposed to prolonged screen time, including 70% of those working office jobs, that could be affecting their quality of life.

According to the report, the impact of unmanaged excessive screen time (spending 7+ hours on screens per day and not visiting an optometrist in the past year) on eye health was found to be wide-ranging. Of the 32 million Americans who had unmanaged excessive screen time, 55% experienced vision-related symptoms that may have been improved or resolved from regular visits to the optometrist. The report indicated that symptoms related to excessive screen time exposure could cost a person around $702 per year.